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Searching for a photograph of New Broughton in the '30s

Dear Spurtle,

I was born in No. 7 New Broughton in 1931 and for many years have been trying to find a photograph of the area from that time.

I always said that New Broughton must have been new in the early 1800s as it was slum buildings when I was born with families being shifted to ‘better housing’.

I attended a small ‘kindergarten’ or child-minding centre with a Miss Stevenson I think was her name. They had little ‘old’ tin pedal cars, and a wooden dolls house. 

My husband was born in Broughton Road around the same time.  His sister was hit by a lorry which damaged her pelvis when she was about 7 years old and was concerned that all her cigarette cards had got scattered whilst mum had run out of the house when cleaning the fireplace and still had ‘blacking’ on her hands. 

I was engaged to be married in Edinburgh. My fiancé left in April 1952 and I followed in October. We married in Sydney three weeks after I arrived and have lived in Sydney ever since then.

The changes around New Broughton and Warriston are incredible. Through the internet I have met the people who now live in the house I lived in in Stockbridge.

A chance internet meeting with a lovely lady who subscribes to your magazine gave me this  address.

Elizabeth Fraser (née Simpson)

[See 'Broughton's changing churchscape', Breaking news 1.11.10]