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Spurtle's 'vicious' stance against supermarket

Dear Sir

As a rechabite I took great delight in the 8 McDonald Road premises being converted from a noisy bar to a local shop [Breaking news 22.2.11; Issue 192].

Anyone who has ever lived next to or above these establishments will immediatedly understand the benefits, and I am quite surprised at the vicious stance the Spurtle seems to have taken to get the local communities against this planning alteration.

Already the city is littered with dead pubs, and turning them into shops should be seen as an enhancement to both the crescent and the street.

The fact that it is the customer-owned Co-op ought to act as a further inducement. The fact that the Co-op contributes fo very much back into the local community is one determining reason to welcome its arrival.

Has any one even bothered to look at the alternatives? Am I the only voice which favours such a move?


C. Mac

(Broughton Street)