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Strong support for small pillar

Dear Spurtle

I read your short article about Real Foods [Breaking news, 15.12.11]. I am very upset that the Council is demanding that they change the way they advertise. This small pillar of Edinburgh is a fantastic contribution to the community and I fully support not only what this store stands for, but support the way they choose to advertise. The fact that the Council aren't pounding on the Coop just shows the public that there is an attitude within local government that leaves much to be desired.

Real Foods caters to people who are more beneficial for society in they way that they select ethical products. Not only that, but a lot of what they sell is pretty unique, and helps a lot of people who have special dietary requirements. Not only do I think that the council is being ridiculous, but they aren't looking at the bigger picture. It would be nice to see that the council demonstrates that ability to not only support ethical businesses like Real Foods, but that they also will be fair and just in their demands.

It's completely unfair that they are letting the Coop get away with the same thing they are crucifying Real Foods for.

Jennifer Davis
