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Thanks but no thanks for danse macabre

Dear Spurtle 

Merci mille fois, City of Edinburgh Council, inter alia, for the latest 'creation' in Essential Edinburgh's theme-park takeover of St Andrew Square. A concatenation of neon-lit stick figures performs a danse macabre around Lord Dundas's austere pillar. Meanwhile, at the base of this this is the memory of grass and snowdrops and crocuses, and in the middle distance middens of mud. 

Councillor Richard Lewis has said, 'This project has been tailored by the French artists to suit the square'. One wonders whether the French collective Groupe LAPS are soulmates of the Gallic company which designed those equally soulless and risible new bus-stop shelters that protect few from Reekie's horizontal rains or winds that arrow to the bone. Is this the Council's slant on our once admirable 'entente cordiale'.

The Council should be ashamed of the cynical and systematic mistreatment of St Andrew Square Garden, ostensibly in the interests of 'culture' but increasingly in what Councillor Lewis describes as 'profitable footfall'.

John Ross Maclean

(Drummond Place)



 Marie Hernandez I like it as do the kids.

@EdinburghSJ @theSpurtle there were creaky sounding noises emanating from somewhere thereabouts tonight.