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Tram project delivery – a work in progress


Dear Spurtle,

This Thursday, Edinburgh's Transport & Environment Committee will consider the long-awaited report on the status of the Trams to Newhaven project (8.2 Edinburgh Tram York Place to Newhaven Project Delivery).

Having previously announced the successful completion of the project, this report – no longer referred to as a 'close out' report - is the Council's response to two motions (one from August and one from November) and persistent lobbying from us. 

In February we posed seven key questions to the Project Team and Councillors in the form of a checklist. We are disappointed that the majority of these questions have been only partially or not at all answered in the report.

We have set out our position in a written deputation (here). Our verbal presentation at Thursday's Transport & Environment Committee will be based on this text.

Harald Tobermann

Spokesperson for Community Councils Together on Trams (CCTT)

CCTT is a coalition of the four community councils along the proposed tram extension

Leith Central Community Council - Leith Links Community Council - Leith Harbour and Newhaven Community Council - New Town and Broughton Community Council


Note by Spurtle: Written deputations by the Edinburgh Bus Users Group (p. 22); City of Edinburgh Access Panel, RNIB Scotland and Sight Scotland (p. 25); and the Windsor Street, Elm Row, Leopold Place and Montgomery Street West Association (p. 27) can be read HERE.


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