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Would rather it wasn't there

Dear Spurtle, 

My wife and I have just moved to Bellevue Crescent from London – or, at least, we’re on our way.
I walked past our future home over the weekend and was dismayed to see the owl totem pole [Issue 283].
Even if it were an artwork as opposed to a piece of junk, it wouldn’t belong on a green in a Conservation Area. I’m incredulous and distressed that the Council has allowed this bit of woody bling to defile the green.
It is ridiculously out of place.
Paul Turner
Bellevue Crescent


Dear PT, just hoo do you think you are loudly proclaiming your London judgement of good taste & worthiness. If you continue with this altitude you’ll be asking owl it all went wrong in no time. We respect opinion but It isn’t a free for owl & you can’t tallon others what to do.