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How anyone could forget it's St Valentine's Day is beyond the Spurtle, with references to the year's greatest romantic heffalump-trap displayed in almost every shop window across Broughton. 

We've tried fighting against the public tide of pink and roses and all things emetically fluffy, but for the benefit of those who adore such conventions or are otherwise obliged to observe them, here are some local highlights

Narcissus Flowers are thoughtfully staying open late this evening, which should help anyone out there who hasn’t been paying attention and now has some last-minute thoughtfulness to attend to.

Their windows are a delight as ever, and steamily kaleidoscopic today from this angle.

Over the road, Nom de Plume are jogging memories with these helpful railing-mounted balloon-reminders.

The Circle Café in Canonmills have really gone to town, with an elaborately decorated A-board quoting Vincent Van Gogh and Pablo Picasso on the matter of love.

We're not entirely sure either of the great artists was ever a great authority on such questions, but we’ll let that pass. The A-board is ace.

Finally, for all those whose sweethearts are difficult to please, White Rabbit stocks a wide range of unusual gift ideas. Spurtle’s photographer was particularly taken with the hand-crafted vintage-style ping-pong bat. Or possibly it’s a cheeseboard (below, bottom, left).

Whatever it is, it’s jolly nice and comes with tassels.


Do you have any Valentine's Day tips or observations? Please send them to us by email  Facebook Broughton Spurtle  or Twitter @theSpurtle