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Despite recent improvements by Network Rail, access to Waverley Station continues to be a worry in the wake of new security arrangements there, says Mark Lazarowicz MP. 

He has written again to the company arguing that people with restricted mobility should be able to access the station ‘as independently as possible rather than having to rely on the passenger assistance service provided by staff, however good it is’. 

He also shares the widespread belief that obliging cyclists to share the footway down from Waverley Bridge with pedestrians is unacceptable for all concerned, particularly at busy times. 

Lazarowicz goes on to point out that, following the recent ban on taxis inside the station, there is inadequate signage pointing towards the taxi rank outside. 

‘The number of passengers using Waverley Station went up to 19m last year, but too many still face problems accessing the station,’ he says. 

When Spurtle visited Waverley this afternoon, all 19m seemed to have arrived at once. There was no way one could have wheeled a bicycle up or down the footpath without becoming entangled.

Lazarowicz is no slouch when it comes to access arrangements for those with mobility problems. Last month he raised valid concerns about how easy people would find it reaching the Post Office in nearby Princes Mall, due to open next month (Breaking news, 25.7.14).


@theSpurtle @edinspotlight @marklazarowicz Nothin new then

.@theSpurtle terrible waste of road space shutting off the ramps for the sole use of one or two delivery vehicles each day. @marklazarowicz

@CityCycling @theSpurtle @marklazarowicz was there last week...astonishing waste of space with people crammed in close to wall.

@beicwrtaff @theSpurtle @marklazarowicz Its madness and stupid and shows @networkrail in their true passenger-intollerant colours.