All candidates invited to our hustings next week have also been invited to provide a short written introduction to themselves.
Second to respond is Alan Melville (UKIP), whose words we reprint in full below.
Alan Melville was born in Edinburgh and has lived in Leith since 2007.
A graduate of Napier (twice) and York Universities, he currently works for a large Scottish life assurance company.

Alan supports local accountability, especially the break-up of Police Scotland into regional forces, and considers civil liberties the very backbone of our legal system. He remains unimpressed with the performance of the Holyrood parties and believes UKIP will provide the vital, libertarian opposition that is needed.
‘This campaign is about trust,’ he says. ‘The other parties don’t even trust us to bring up our own kids, so how can we trust them to represent us?
‘UKIP is the only party that has consistently opposed the Named Person Scheme from the outset, and the only party that can be trusted to reverse the attacks on our liberties Holyrood has spent years indulging in.’
Rachel Bell God loves a tryer.