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Events like this don't happen on our doorstep every day, so forgive just a few more images of yesterday's Gretna commemoration and then we'll stop. 

First, right, Princess Anne approached much of the morning's proceedings with studious concentration. 

Below, ranks of Royal Scots veterans lined up under the trees for the service of remembrance. We wondered, sometimes, how much the relations and descendants behind could see.

Canny locals followed the live coverage on a giant screen in Pilrig Park ...

or found other vantage points from which to watch the troops swing by.

Spurtle captured the moment when a bearskin turned nasty and attacked.

A little later in East Claremont Street, there were contrasting tête-à-têtes on military matters.

We'd love to know what was said.

[Photos by Rhys Fullerton and Alan McIntosh.]