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All candidates invited to our hustings this evening have also been invited to provide a short written introduction to themselves. 

The latest to respond is Andy Wightman (Green), whose words we reprint in full below. 


Andy Wightman is a writer and campaigner on land rights, democracy and the economy. 

He is the author of publications including Who Owns Scotland, Scotland: Land and Power, Community Land Rights: A Citizen’s Guide and The Poor Had No Lawyers

He has served as a Specialist Adviser to the House of Commons Scottish Affairs Committee and represented the Scottish Green Party on the Commission on Local Tax Reform.

Andy is the Scottish Green Party’s Spokesperson on Communities, Local Government and Land Reform. 

Greens believe that Scotland can be fairer, greener and healthier. We believe that the Scottish Parliament can be so much bolder in meeting the ambitions of the people of Scotland.

The Scottish Greens have the people and the policies to make this happen. Our candidates have a solid track record of making a difference inside and outside Holyrood. We bring fresh, new, bold ideas to Parliament.

We will work constructively with others who share our aims. Holyrood and Scotland need diverse politics and progressive champions to hold the biggest parties to account.

Scottish Greens will push for greater local democracy, progressive taxation, affordable housing for all and a transition plan to move to a fossil-fuel-free Scotland.