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Submitted by Editor on

An archaeological dig on the site of the former Botanic Garden and Cottage on Haddington Place (1763–1821) will take place next month, and members of the public are invited to participate.

The gap-site at No. 34b has recently been acquired for redevelopment as mixed commercial and student housing by S. Harrison Development Ltd (Breaking news, 25.6.14). They have given permission for this ‘last chance’ to find out more about the site (see red area within blue outline in map below).

The dig – with expert basic training and supervision provided by Addyman Archaeology –will take place from 10am–4pm on 16-19 and 21–24 July. Volunteers will ideally commit themselves to at least one one-day session, preferably more.

Tasks could include digging, scraping soil on the ground, cleaning and recording finds, so old clothes and sturdy boots are recommended. These may also prove useful for the unisex portable toilet on site.

For further information, see the pdf attached below, and to record your interest in the project email Sutherland Forsyth (Botanic Cottage Community Engagement Officer), on or Tel. 248 2956.

For more on the background to this story, see Breaking news (3.9.09) and, most recently, Issue 230.


@theSpurtle I'm too Pooterish to use a portaloo.