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Police Scotland issued the following press release yesterday.

We reproduce it unedited and in full.


Detectives are continuing their enquiries and appealing for information after two men attempted to rob a man in Edinburgh on Friday, 12 June, 2020.

Around 3.45pm on Friday afternoon, the two suspects approached a 66 year-old man near to Gayfield Square in Edinburgh. They threatened him with a knife and demanded money. The victim refused and the men walked off.

The victim was uninjured but badly shaken as a result of the incident.

The first suspect is described as white, aged mid-late 20s, 6ft 1ins in height and of slim build with dark hair. He was wearing a dark blue parka-style jacket with a fur hood, dark coloured trousers and white trainers.

The second suspect is described as white, aged mid-late 20s, 5ft 10ins in height and of slim build. He was wearing a black jacket, dark-coloured trousers, a white t-shirt and a black cap.

Detective Constable Joanne Robertson from Gayfield Police Station said: “We have been carrying out enquiries in the local area and studying CCTV footage to gather more information on these two men.  

“We believe that they may have approached other members of the public in Elm Row and Picardy Place and asked them for money too.  I would ask anyone who was approached or who was in the area at the time on Friday afternoon and saw these two men, to come forward.”

Any information can be passed to Gayfield Police Station through 101 quoting reference number 2711 of 12 June.  Alternatively Crimestoppers can be contacted on 0800 555 111, where anonymity can be maintained.
