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Glen, the firework-averse dog missing from Broughton since Hogmanay, has been found safe and well (Breaking news, 2.1.13).

He got home this morning, tired but unharmed, has had something to eat and drink and is now sleeping.

Glen's Dublin Street owners had been searching high and low across the capital since his disappearance, and had begun to distribute flyers, but it was using social media that allowed them to cover the ground most effectively.

Spurtle coverage, the lostdogs-scotland website and his own dedicated Facebook page stirred interest among the canine-loving community, and at 10.30pm last night the first positive sighting was phoned in. More soon followed.

Glen had been spotted outside the Coop in Port Seton, about 13 miles away, and friends and family raced off to find him. They searched fruitlessly through the night, but at 6am this morning the trained sheepdog at last responded to a working whistle, emerged from a housing estate, and was reunited.

He was tired, had the slightest of limps, but otherwise was none the worse for his experience. His owners are delighted, and would like to thank all who helped in retrieving this much loved country innocent from the fleshpots of north Edinburgh. 
