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Submitted by Editor on

BBC Scotland’s Debate Night will simulate coming from Edinburgh and the Lothians in its forthcoming episode on Wednesday 17 June.

If you’re e-itching to be part of the virtual audience, with an opportunity to ask a question of a socially distanced panel of public figures and politicians, go HERE.

The programme is, according to chair Stephen Jardine, ‘the only place where people are regularly able to put their questions and experiences directly to Scotland's policymakers in their own words’.

To participate you’ll need a reliable internet connection and access to a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.

You must be available for up to two hours on the evening of the 17th, and should be representing yourself rather than any party, company or organisation.

Debate Night organisers will try to select an evenly balanced audience, and – depending on numbers – may not have time to contact all unsuccessful applicants.

The latter can therefore boo, cheer, and mutter from the comfort of their own homes without the pressure of appearing fair-minded and sober on national television.

