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At a time of swingeing cuts in public funding, the role of 'third-sector' organisations is likely to grow greater than ever. It is no surprise, therefore, to find that the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is responding with a concerted push to let people know about its mission: to support people to take voluntary action to help themselves and others and to bring about social change.

One way it is achieving this in Edinburgh is by inviting Broughton businesses and other local organisations to a drinks reception in the Mansfield Traquair Centre, 6:30–7:30pm on Wednesday 24 September.

The occasion marks the culmination of a series of special events before and after SCVO's annual general meeting to which interested local parties are also invited. They involve:

  • 2:30–3:00pm A tour of the beautiful Phoebe Traquair murals.
  • 3:00–4:45pm A get-to-know-you session where attendees can meet SCVO staff and find out more about their services and member organisations (charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes).
  • 3:00–3:45 SCVO members can quiz top Scottish legal brains on issues such as charity law, Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisations, and new Equalities and Protection of Vulnerable Groups legislation.
  • 3:45–4:45pm In a session exclusively for local and national intermediary organisations, SCVO Director of Networks Paul White will call for them to work more closely together.
  • 4:00–4:45pm Pam Judson, an experienced third-sector trainer / consultant / fundraiser will discuss new ways to generate income and tap funding sources.
  • 5:00–5:45pm SCVO, members-only AGM.
  • 5:45–6:30pm Lucy McTernan, new head of Citizens Advice Scotland, will give a 30-minute lecture and answer questions.

Those wishing to attend the reception should RSVP with their name and organisation here.Those wishing to attend any of the earlier events should register using the form here. To find out more about the SCVO, go to