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A significant milestone has been reached in drawing up the Final Business Case which councillors will use to decide whether or not to extend the tramway to Newhaven. 

Four bidders (three of them joint ventures) have emerged from a ‘robust evaluation’ process and will now tender in mid-April for the Infrastructure and Systems contract to design and build the track, overhead line, stops, systems and road infrastructure and public realm.

The tendering process will last until late summer, and a decision on the Business Case will be taken in the autumn.

What Transport and Environment Committee Convener Lesley Macinnes describes as ‘a strong shortlist of experienced design and build contractors’ comprises the following:

‘Our project team,’ says Cllr Macinnes, ‘the same team who successfully delivered the tram to York Place following mediation, has worked very closely with the market over the past 18 months, developing a contract strategy that meets market expectations and the requirements of the Council.’

 If the decision is taken to proceed with the tram extension, a contract would probably be signed before the end of this year. Construction would be completed by 2022.

Will this be the time City of Edinburgh Council finally signs a big contract that doesn’t land it in deep chagrin?
