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Submitted by Editor on

To no-one's surprise, a major development is in the offing for 10 Brunswick Road, the 4.08 acre site of the late-lamented Post Office sorting office.

The Royal Mail Group seeks permission in principle to build 200 flats and townhouses, with associated Class 4 business space (office, industrial, research and development), car parking, landscaping and access arrangements.

A pre-planning application public exhibition, and a Leith Central Community Council consultation meeting, will follow soon – almost certainly in McDonald Rd Library. The earliest date on which a full planning application can be sought here is 26 May.

Spurtle readers, even at this early stage, point out that any development on such a scale will have potentially positive implications for Leith Walk Primary's roll, and potentially negative implications for the road safety of pupils walking to and from school.

We'll bring you further details as we have them.
