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Submitted by Editor on

An application to convert a north-facing sub-basement storeroom at 5b Fettes Row into a compact one-bedroom flat has been refused (Ref. 14/03337/FUL)

Plans submitted in support of the application reveal a kitchen/dining room of 372cm x 570cm, a bathroom of 245cm x 185 cm, a study of 240cm x 250cm and bedroom of 235cm x 388cm with no window. The cupboard extends to 102cm x 96cm.

Officials found that the proposed flat in the Category B-listed property would have ‘inadequate daylight and sunlight and would create a unit of substandard amenity’. They also considered that it would be out of character with existing flats in the conservation area, and were perplexed by the design showing ‘no means of ingress’.

Sub-basement accommodation nearby is normally ancillary to larger dwellings in the same building and linked by an internal stair. It may be that a similar aspiration for 5b has not been made clear in the plans for this proposal.

Image: Creative Commons – Mikiwikipikidikipedia at en.wikipedia


Doors ... much overrated. Sub-basement proposal baffles #Planning officials: 

Are Ryanair moving in to property development now? RT@theSpurtle: Doors ... much overrated 

@theSpurtle Did you get permission to use that picture of @Edinburgh_CC planning dept. official?

@theSpurtle Planning permission will also be required to be sought for alternative use as en-suite dungeon, I fear.

@NTCleanStreets @theSpurtle Moreover, someone should inform the dungeon master that he's using too much emollient.

Email from Caroline Roussot: Just to add to previous discussions, actually there IS a door to 5B Fettes Row. See photo. It's also shown on the plans, I think (?) The premises have been a joiner's workshop in the past.