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Today is National Poetry Day. To celebrate, we present this topical response to various shortcomings in refuse collection and the limited roll-out of containerisation


Gull’s Night(s) Out
Come on boys, the bags are ready
Boundless booty bides within.
Shriek the news from every lamp-top,
Gather round, create a din.
Pick and peck and poke an entry,
Winkle out those morsels fine.
How they feed us, New Town dwellers,
Sharing food – it’s just divine.
Ready meals, potato peelings
We don’t mind, we’ll scoff the lot.
It’s inviting, so exciting,
Working out what we have got.
Some bags come before they’re meant to.
We can strew their contents wide,
Showing our appreciation
For the gifts that lie inside.
                                           M. Vaughan
                                   (Scotland Street)