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New bin collection arrangements scheduled to start tomorrow in Rosslyn Crescent and Terrace have left locals scratching their heads. 

The new system entails five different kinds of receptacle being presented on pavements in four different combinations. 

Fortunately, City of Edinburgh Council explained it all in the helpful timetable reproduced below. 

Unfortunately, many residents found the variety of shapes, colours, numbers and letters impossible to understand.

Step forward Tim Smith, local man and a whizz with graphics. He promptly created an alternative version which he hopes neighbours will follow more easily.

In a spirit of helpful mutual endeavour, Smith sent his simplified version for the attention of Transport & Environment convenor Leslie Hinds. Whilst she declined to comment on its many obvious virtues, she did promise to forward a copy to staff in the relevant Council department.

However, we suspect that, in reality, she may well divide it into 20 files and deliver them four at a time in five emails over the course of a month.

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Alastair Wright No glass in the recycling bin is only issue I have ... as yet :)