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Submitted by Editor on

The New Town Clean Streets Campaign, launched last month (Breaking news, 11.8.14), has issued an admirably brisk and breezy report for September. We publish it in full. 


+ Welcome, new areas! (Claremont, St Stephen’s ...). Please keep the reports coming! 

+ Dozens of flytipped items reported and then promptly and efficiently picked up by the wonderful City Centre Leith Neighbourhood task force. Who knows how long they would otherwise have hung around?

+ CEC now in no doubt that missed communal bin collections will be brought to its attention.

+ Drummond Place persistent litterer of bags of (used) cat litter appears to have gone into hiding.

+ 70 laminated signs, attached by CEC to lampposts to advise of changes in parking charges etc. removed by the Campaign. Will be returned to the Council.


–  Still no timetable from CEC for completion of communal bin roll-out (Albany, Dublin, Dundonald, St Vincent etc.).

–  Several bins from 6 August roll-out yet to reach planned correct permanent location due to problems with incorrect road markings (Scotland, Nelson). No timetable for new road painting.

–  No progress on badly managed restaurant bins on Broughton Street Lane (bins still not even marked to identify owner).


@theSpurtle @NTCleanStreets Good job! I propose a ticker tape parade along Broughton Street to mark the first month.