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Individual works by Susan Smith and Leo du Feu have often caught the eye at Bon Papillon in the past.

This month, however, mother and son exhibit together for the first time in a happy combination of similar interests and differing styles. Both are fascinated by nature in general and birds in particular.

Smith clearly relishes characterful corvids, even if much of the time that character is unashamedly murderous. Shown here is her scruffy and insouciant ‘The Raven’.

Below, in accurate but more decorative mood, is a ‘Conversation of Cormorants’. (It is photographed at an odd angle to cope with yesterday’s sudden superabundance of sunlight in the gallery.)

Du Feu is another keen birdwatcher, who explores the scenery of Britain by train and foot, and returns with sketches and photographs to work up into paintings back at the studio. Those landscapes are often mysterious places, filled with peculiar intent, highly charged.

In this exhibition I particularly enjoyed ‘Staffa’ and its depiction of a ravenously energetic ocean. The painting brought back vivid memories of nearly feeding my children to the waves here during a not exclusively well-advised or idyllic boat-trip seven years ago. 

In the Outdoors contains many delights, and continues at Bon Papillon (15 Howe Street) until 1 June.

If you have a favourite painting or exhibition in Broughton at the moment we'd love to hear about it. Contributions of any length are welcome. Contact us at any time by email:  Twitter: @theSpurtle  or  Facebook: Broughton Spurtle