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Submitted by Editor on

Does any reader recognise this wee chap?  

He's a black-and-white male kitten aged about 6 months, and was first spotted in a back green off Rodney Street around Friday 3 May. He has not been chipped or neutered. 

His current rescuer says: 

'We first noticed him hanging about last Friday (3 May) as we have two other cats that we let out into the back garden and he tried to come in when we were calling our cats.  

'We repeatedly had to stop him coming into our flat for the next 6 days, and then on Wednesday night – after seeing him out in the garden from 7am that day till 2am Thursday morning – we finally gave in.

'He's very friendly (although a bit nervous) and gets on really well with our other two cats. But we can't keep him as we only have a small flat and 2 cats is already pushing it! So if his real owner came forward that would really be amazing.'

The good news is that he's being cared for just now by someone who knows about cats and has had him properly checked out.

What's more, if no former owner comes forward, a good alternative home has already been identified.

If you think this kitten may be yours, contact Morag on Mob. 07732 269818. If he's not yours, please just keep your ears open  and spread the word.

[See also Breaking news, 6.5.13.]