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This wonderfully grown-up version of an American classic is just about the perfect comfort food as the weather gets colder again. 

Rather than the traditional roux-based sauce, it uses a white-wine base which adds a touch of luxury. Not that it tastes remotely boozy – the alcohol cooks off to leave the delicious flavour of the wine behind which sets up the mixture of cheeses perfectly. 

Try it this way and I promise you’ll never make it with a roux again. I like this meatless, but a bit of shredded ham hock stirred through is delicious.

Serves 4. Takes about 25 minutes.


160g block of strong/sharp cheddar (Isle of Mull extra-mature is our current fave)

60–100g block of Taleggio (or any full-fat, semi-hard, non-cheddar cheese; Emmental or Brie would also work)

100g Philadelphia cream cheese, full-fat

250–350g fusilli or penne, or even good old macaroni

500ml white wine (Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio work well)

500ml hot chicken stock

¼tsp Cayenne pepper

1 tbsp corn flour (1.5 tbsp at a push)


1. Pour the wine into a medium saucepan and place over a medium to high heat for about 10–15 minutes, until the wine has reduced right down to approx. 50ml/¼cup.

2. While the wine is reducing, roughly grate the cheese into a mixing bowl – if the non-cheddar is a softish cheese it might be easier to just tear it into small pieces. Sprinkle the corn flour over the grated cheeses and mix with your fingers until it has thoroughly coated them.

3. Fill a large saucepan with water and place over a high heat until it’s boiling. Salt liberally before adding the pasta – you want to time this with when the wine looks to have reduced right down. Cook the pasta for 10 mins, or according to the packet instructions.

4. While the pasta is cooking, add the chicken stock to the wine reduction. Whisk gently and return to the boil. Once it’s bubbling away, add the grated cheese and corn flour to the wine/stock mix and stir slowly with the whisk until the cheese has melted right in. Add the Cayenne pepper and then leave on a low heat while the pasta cooks.

5. Just before the pasta is ready, add the cream cheese to the wine/stock/cheese mixture and gently mix with the whisk until it’s all incorporated and looking like a happy cheese sauce. If the sauce doesn’t look thick enough at this point, mix a bit of corn flour with water and add to the cheese mix. A minute or two cooking should thicken the sauce nicely. Remove from heat.

6. When the pasta is ready (you’re aiming for al dente), drain, and then return the pasta to the saucepan it was cooked in. Pour the cheese sauce over the cooked pasta and mix well. (If a film has appeared on the cheese mix while it was off the heat just whisk it back into the sauce first.)

7. Season with black pepper and mix again before serving.