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Blenheim Place was briefly cut off on Friday 9 May, but not as – first thought – by freak weather conditions.

The evening disruption was due to filming of the new John Lewis Christmas TV advertisement. False snow was liberally slathered as far as the camera could see in scenes reminiscent of Edinburgh last January and February.

Any locals who managed to photograph the filming are invited to share their images with the Spurtle.

Meanwhile, on Thursday 8 July, BBC's Question Time was hosted by the Mansfield Traquair Centre. David Dimbleby chaired as usual. Guests were Conservative peer Lord Forsyth, shadow International Development Secretary Douglas Alexander, Lib Dem MP and Secretary of State for Scotland Michael Moore, the Deputy First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon, and Irish comedian Ed Byrne.

The politicians were more or less transparent. The Mansfield Traquair Centre's beautiful interior was scarcely visible at all. The programme was screened the next day.