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The much anticipated new lamp posts for Belleveue Crescent are now being installed, to widespread acclaim, writes Ross Maclean.

City of Edinburgh Council’s Lighting spokesperson Ross Thomson says that the columns were made from the cast of a much older surviving pole. Similarly, the fine glass lanterns derive from 19th-century prototypes.

Arguably, these new additions are a more elegant version of the two originals still in situ on Forth Street, though these survivors retain a special charm of their own (see Issue 195).

Manufactured in Manchester, the ten Bellevue lights are of the same kind as those recently installed on William and Alva Streets, and will also be installed shortly on Union Street.

With its renovated pavement and immaculate East Scotland Street Lane (plus the refurbished and extended Broughton St Mary’s and its rejuvenated garden to the rear), the Crescent certainly merits its special status as part of the Edinburgh’s World Heritage Site.

[Thanks to @pixogram – for further background see].

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Sure I recognise this from somewhere! :