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Submitted by Editor on

The two, local, flood-flattened Gormleys in the Water of Leith (Breaking news, 22.7.10) have been helped to their feet in the last few days.

Divers, crane operators and men waving their arms about re-erected the figures in St Mark's Park and Bonnington after an enforced 3-week sojourn underwater.

Thanks to local Stewart Wright for his initial tip-off and photo of events on Friday 13 August. As he observes, the unfortunate 'Tony' looks as though he's being hanged as a punishment.

Although both figures appear undamaged, the patterns of oxidisation on them have changed markedly. The Bonnington one in particular now appears curiously two-tone: rusty at the front but clear behind. This may trouble the befuddled and belated Evening News which reported their disappearance on 23 July under the headline 'Have bronze statues gone or just gone underwater?' Bronze, obviously, does not rust; iron does.
