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Pupils from Broughton Primary School launched their own book yesterday at the National Library of Scotland.

Crabbit Tales – two stories about feelings – was co-written by 51 P7 children with the help of local author Mary Turner Thomson. Starting in June, Thomson also guided them through the processes of planning, illustrating and publishing.

Yesterday’s event took place before an invited audience of friends, parents, and past and present Broughton PS teachers. There were readings by Eryn, Katy, Beau, Olivia and Fay.

NLS staff welcomed the children into the world of print, and into the Library’s collection of 24 million items stored on 50 miles of shelves and 13 floors at George IV Bridge.

Acting Head Samantha Rushforth (right) – who has known many of the children since they entered Nursery – said she was immensely proud of their achievement.

This is the second book written by Broughton PS pupils and published by WhiteWater Publishing. School Daze, premised on Broughton PS’s occasionally baffling internal architecture, was published in 2011 (see Issue 201).