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Locals distracted by yet another round of roadworks on Broughton Street may not have noticed that Nom de Plume has the builders in. 

In fact, this is more than a simple refurbishment. The much-loved café has now closed, with the owners leaving to concentrate instead on their Regent Bar at Abbeyhill. 

Moving in at No. 60 is Pickles, the winebar/purveyor of prestigious preserves, pickles, port and pies, currently at No. 56A. Pickles will move out of the basement on 22 June and reopen upstairs and downhill about three days later.

L’Escargot Bleu, the French restaurant at No. 56, owns the premises below, and has plans for them which we will report as soon as we have the details.

In other news

Broughton’s road network is a little chaotic at the moment.

Here’s our handy guide to what’s going on:

  • Works to upgrade the pedestrian crossing on Broughton Street are scheduled to continue until 5.00pm on 17 June.
  • Work to resurface Abercromby Place took longer than expected, resulting in the late start (yesterday) of resurfacing on Albany Street. This latest phase should be complete by Thursday evening.
  • Three-way temporary traffic lights are in action on Gayfield and Union Streets during cabling work which will end on Friday.
  • An upgrade of the traffic lights at the junction of Pilrig Street, Newhaven Road, Broughton Road and Bonnington Road will continue until 14 June.
  • Ground investigation works in preparation for tramway construction should finish tomorrow afternoon at the Leith Walk end of Annandale Street.

Confusing, isn’t it? Thank heavens for the excellent diversion signage.
