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Submitted by Editor on

Broughton Street is arguably the hippest in Edinburgh, and rumours have been circulating locally that it has been nominated as such in a competition.

When we reported the rumours on Thursday evening, nobody seemed to know which competition was involved, or who had done the nominating, but with one exception everyone we spoke to agreed that it was a good call. This morning (Friday 6 May) we can reveal that the nomination comes as part of the Google Street View Awards 2011, a campaign to generate good publicity around a service regarded by sceptics as a national invasion of privacy.

In 2010 we reported Broughton's recommendation (along with Stockbridge) as the capital's trendiest city villages in a travel guide for Edinburgh and south-east Scotland. Now the message seems to have spread.

The Broughton Street website – soon to be revamped by the local Traders Association – says the vibe derives not just from the variety of independent (and award-winning) restaurants, bars, cafés, specialist shops and gallery-spaces existing close to the city centre, but also from the fact that so many people actually live or work here.

The result is an area which remains vibrant during the working day, in the evenings, and at weekends.

The street is also at the heart of Edinburgh's 'pink triangle', which adds to an atmosphere combining creative edginess, open-mindedness and a willingness to party.

We'll post more details about the nomination as and when they become available – probably tomorrow morning – but in the meantime would welcome your thoughts on what makes the place special.

Oh yes ... the exception ... that one dissenting voice who doesn't agree about Broughton's hip status. It is cutting-edge Joey D.

'I never read stuff like that, my friend,' he told Spurtle. 'Broughton Street has always been cool.'

To back Broughton Street in the competition, visit: