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Submitted by Editor on

Are you enjoying the better-late-than-never sunshine?

It is entirely due to Broughton topers making a special effort for the community, at least if the A-board outside Villeneuve Wines is to be believed.

The BBC forecasts temperatures climbing to a sweltering  8 degrees celsius today. 'With only light winds,' they say, trying not to get too carried away, 'it will feel quite pleasant.'

Meanwhile, on Hart Street (below), locals do not appear to have yet mastered the basic principle of waste containerisation: that is, you put the waste in the container. However, we applaud those who make an effort to colour coordinate their bunnets with the bin-lids.

Down on Brandon Terrace, the new Blue Bear Café is doing its best to amuse passers-by with road-surface-related humour. This quip has taken Spurtle a week to work out, and we're still not sure we've understood it yet. Is the point that the piece of tarmac isn't grown-up enough, i.e. not a motorway? All suggestions welcome.

Finally, feast your eyes on some plain-speaking along Broughton Street Lane. Unfortunately, no-one seems able to clamp the dogs responsible for turning the concrete hereabouts such an astonishing vernal green.


Facebook/email reactions

 Susie Bell I think it's cycle path = psychopath

Steve Renals: I think it is cycle path / psychopath. Their breakfast is good too!

 Broughton Spurtle Oh yes! Of course! Knew we were missing something but couldn't complete the link. Thank you.