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Edinburgh's second Festival of Sport will run throughout the city from 4–13 June, and lazy or unfit Broughtonians don't even need to walk uphill to get involved.

The Festival features dozens of suck-it-and-see tester sessions – e.g. cricket, athletics, shinty, rugby, football, tennis, cycling, baseball, croquet – for all ages and abilities. Most activities will be free.

The event has been arranged by Activcity with help from ClubSportEdinburgh,  Edinburgh Leisure and sports clubs across the capital. The aim is to get people active and promote Ednburgh's 'ongoing sport and physical opportunities' by giving locals a chance to try an activity and discover where they can continue it afterwards.

The activities will take place all over Edinburgh, and you can download a full programme by clicking on the pdf at the foot of this page. However, activities on Broughton's doorstep include the following:

LGBT Community Sports Day[img_assist|nid=796|title=|desc=|link=node|align=right|width=166|height=200]
Queen St Gardens
Saturday 5 June, 11.00am–4.00pm
Day of sports and games. Book in advance.
Tel. 523 1100

Edinburgh Baseball Open Day
Warriston Playing Fields
Sunday 6 June, 12 noon to 3.00pm
Edinburgh Diamond Devils invite you to try baseball while watching a game.
Tel. 0792 171 3615

Edinburgh Cycle Speedway
Redbraes Park
Sunday 6 June, 2.30–4.00pm
All ages and abilities. Practise then race.
Tel. 0790 354 2232

Football World Cup
Spartans Football Academy, Inverleith Park
Friday 11 June, 9.30am to 12.30pm
Local primary schools adopt a World Cup
Nation and participate in a fun seven-a-side
football tournament. Spectators welcome.
Tel. 552 7854

Come and try Petanque
Inverleith Park
10.30am to 5.00pm
Inverleith Petanque Club host an open day
offering coaching and the opportunity to try out
this interesting sport of French boules.
Tel. 0774 068 1619