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Those readers who since June 2011 may have begrudged the expensive perfection of Broughton’s road to nowhere – East Scotland Street Lane (Issues 193203Extras, 1.2.12) – may now permit themselves a little private smirk.  

The runway-smooth surface of this World Heritage Site cul-de-sac has now been ruined by KN Network Services Ltd, who have dug a socking great trench in it on behalf of BT Open Reach.

A spokesperson told Spurtle that the work is to install superfast broadband, and should be finished within 2–10 days.

Meanwhile, in other subterranean news, Scottish Water have completed sewage pipe repairs on East Claremont Street and commenced sewer investigations at the corner of McDonald and Bellevue Roads (due to end on 14 March).

City of Edinburgh Council are handling ‘sewer works’ on Broughton Road between McDonald Road and Canonmills (due to finish at the end of May) and ‘carriageway patching’ at the junction of Arboretum Avenue and Place (finished, in theory, by 14 March).

No completion date has been confirmed for Scottish Gas Networks' 'urgent repairs' to gas mains outside Broughton Primary School on the McDonald Road junction with Broughton Road.

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