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A burst on a trunk water main is responsible for the low water pressure and unsastisfactory ablutions across many parts of Edinburgh this morning, including Broughton. 

A Scottish Water spokesman explains: ‘This burst is linked to a valve on our network which manages water pressure throughout the city.

The city centre, Old Town, Canongate, Liberton, Prestonfield, Little France and The Inch are other parts of the capital which have been affected.

‘A problem appears to have occurred with the valve overnight and this has led to the burst water main in Liberton and potentially one other burst. 

‘We are working to put backfeeds in place to prevent loss of supply or low water pressure in other areas of the city.’

Scottish Water has apologised for the disruption, and has engineers on site to restore normal supplies as quickly as possible.

[Tap image top right: parkjisan, Creative Commons.]


 Patrick Hadfield Bellevue has had lower pressure than usual for about ten days...

 John Robinson Thanks for that, I was wondering why the pressure was low this morning.

 Dominic Berry Usual pressure in Nelson Street, but water is the colour of mud.

@theSpurtle Again?

@theSpurtle Water pressure in Stockbridge is fine, but the water is brown. Thanks for the warning.

Katie McWilliam Soane Well that explains the water / air pocket mix that is coming out my taps!