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Submitted by Editor on

Spurtle had high hopes of The Alternative Edinburgh Walking Tour on Saturday.

With five minutes to go before the scheduled start, we’d asked the guide what it was about the tour which made it alternative.

‘Well,’ he replied, ‘it doesn’t really go anywhere. And we don’t set out to inform or entertain.’

Payment was to be by voluntary donation – audience members giving as much or as little as they wished.

That was good enough for us. We stood discreetly to one side while the guide chatted privately to his friends.

We waited, and we waited, and we waited some more.

Half an hour later, we embarked on our own alternative Alternative Edinburgh Walking Tour without him.

It was all mildly irritating, but we couldn’t fault the guide’s earlier description. We had indeed not set out, gone anywhere, learned anything, or been entertained. Fortunately it had cost nothing. 

We don't recommend it, but if you’d like to try this Chutney Exhibitions Ltd non-event for yourself, it appears not to leave from outside the Omni Centre on Saturdays and Sundays until 31 August (‘excluding the 17th and 21st’).