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Do you ever feel as though there’s a Moby Dick inside you that just requires a little winkling out? 

Has your One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch disappeared down the back of the sofa along with your ability to finish sentences? 

Are you already an internationally acclaimed author but eager to up your profile in the Lothians? 

Whatever stage you're at, help is at hand. Pilrig Street-based Writing Classes have teamed up with online magazine Lothian Life to run a short-story competition for entries of 500 words.

500 WORDS! Some people’s shopping lists are longer than that.

Things you need to know

The competition is free to enter. It’s open to aspiring, emerging and established writers aged 16+ from anywhere in the world. There’s no entry fee. 

First prize is a place on your chosen Writing Classes course in January 2016. Two runners-up will receive professional critiques of their work by Edinburgh novelist Marianne Wheelaghan (right) All three winners will be published in Lothian Life early in the New Year.

The subject for the competition is Home, and the line ‘There’s no place like home’ must appear somewhere in the story. For further details, visit the website here

Submit your entry by Friday 13 November. Winners will be announced on Friday 17 December.

[Image top-right by Raúl Hernández González, Creative Commons.]