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In search of a festive calling bird, we turn again today to F.O. Morris’s History of British Birds, on sale in 6 volumes at Le Troubadour on Henderson Row (Breaking news, 4.12.13). This is the origin of the plate shown right.

The Melodious Willow Warbler (or Melodious Willow Wren, Hippolais polyglotta), Morris says, is found on the Continent from the shores of the Mediterranean to Sweden, but for reasons unknown has very rarely strayed across the sea to enliven 'our glens and groves with its rich and charming song ...’.  Which rather begs the question: Why is it included in a book about British birds?

The answer seems to be: Morris just liked the sound of it.

‘Those,’ he opines, ‘who have not had an opportunity of listening to the song of this little tenant of the grove, can scarcely form an idea of its power and melody, in which respects it is only equalled by those of the Black-cap and Nightingale.’

Spurtle readers: you can listen to it in all its exquisite detail and variety here.

Where shall we go now? Send your photo or suggestions for our next seasonal snapshot by email on Facebook Broughton Spurtle or Twitter @theSpurtle  


   Aye, good site. Btw there have been a few of those in the UK this year. Result of the high winds. Check