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If you’re craving a dash of colour and outdoor drama at the moment, you’ll find them locally in what’s perhaps a rather unexpected setting.

Bond Chartered Accountants stands discreetly at the western end of East London Street. If you weren’t looking for it, you might not notice it. But over recent years, Caroline Bond here has been championing the cause of favoured artists by hosting occasional exhibitions for no fee and without charging commission on sales. 

At the moment, it’s the turn of Edinburgh photographer Rich Dyson, whose 17 spacious landscapes are in stark contrast to the venue’s precipitous interior. 

Dyson is drawn to the natural grandeur of wilderness, rock and mountain, while often including intriguing elements of human presence or design. Below is his study of ‘Portobello Groynes’.

The contrasting qualities of water – its beguiling tranquility and threat, stillness and turbulence – feature frequently, with compositions created from scenes across Scotland, the Lake District and further afield. 

Below, ‘Black Beach’ captures the spectacularly threatening dark sands of Iceland, with a petrified troll struck dead amid Atlantic rollers.

South Africa and Namibia also provide settings for some extraordinary sandscapes and colourful dereliction. Closer to home, ‘Sunset on Salisbury Crags’ (below) is an evocative Edinburgh scene familiar to many locals.

Dyson’s current exhibition Beyond the Shore continues at Bond CA until 25 January 2019. Check in advance to ensure admission: Tel. 557 5500; email