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All candidates invited to our hustings this evening have also been invited to provide a short written introduction to themselves. 

The latest to respond is Calum Martin (RISE – Scotlands Left Alliance), whose words we reprint in full below. 


As a shop-worker living in Edinburgh, it seems clear that that there are, in our society, real problems.

Low-pay and zero-hours contracts are rife. Overpriced rents too often claim huge portions of already low wages. The Council Tax lets the richest shirk their fair share whilst loading us with punishingly high bills.

Scotland can be so much better than this. That’s why I’m standing with RISE – Scotland’s Left Alliance.

There’s much more Holyrood could and should be doing to make our society fairer.

In RISE, we campaign to:

  • replace the Council Tax with a Scottish Service Tax
  • end the PFI rip-off
  • bring in a real Living Wage of £10-an-hour for everyone aged over 16
  • end zero-hours contracts.

Further, we are pledged that any RISE MSPs will table a motion asserting the right to hold a second independence referendum at a time of our choosing, not at the whim of Westminster.

Recent U-turns reinforce how susceptible the Scottish Government has proven to be to pressure from the Right. Let’s make sure in this Parliament there’s real pressure from the Left. With your list vote, help us change Scotland.

Vote for Scotland’s Left Alliance. Vote RISE.