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Submitted by Editor on

Spurtle has been out and about today, noseying into other people's business as usual.

Here – in no particular order – are nine photos of what we saw. Can you name the locations?

Answers at the foot of this page tomorrow.

1. Curvy (right).

2. Looking up at Downie.

3. Jealous.

4. Man in the iron mask.

5. Emergence.

6. Flues.

7. Penitence.

8. What the butler saw.

9. Dangling.



The photos related to local spots ajar over the weekend as part of Doors Open Day 2015 (see foot of page).

All were current or past places of worship.

Photo 1 is one of several beautiful curved doors within the Edinburgh Baha’i Centre (Venue 19) at 44 Albany Street.


Photo 2 is a clock within the sanctuary of the Glasite Meeting House (Venue 23) at 33 Barony Street.

Photo 3 is a mural tablet within the portico of St Stephen’s Church (Venue 101) on St Stephen Street.

Photo 4 is a stained-glass window just inside the porch of St Vincent’s Chapel (Venue 102), St Vincent Street.

Photo 5 is a sculpture inside the Edinburgh Baha’i Centre.

Photo 6 is a detail of the splendid Willis organ in St Stephen’s Church.

Photo 7 is a detail of a chasuble on display at St Vincent's Chapel, purple or violet symbolising penitence.

Photo 8 looks up the stairwell at the Edinburgh Baha’i Centre. The horizontal projection was used by servants to rest trays or otherwise heavy/awkward loads.

Photo 9 is of the modern pendant lights between ground and first floors at the Glasite Meeting House.

Well done to all who bothered to take part in what was an annoyingly difficult quiz for anyone who hadn't visited the venues in question and looked in the right directions.