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City of Edinburgh Council applied on 13 January for planning permission to construct flood shutters across low-level windows below the flood defence level at No. 1 Howard Street, with an access platform and detachable ladder access from an adjacent garden.

You can find relevant documentation at this link (Ref. 11/04006/FUL).

However, given the Council's recent administrative and communication difficulties concerning Canonmills (Breaking news, 11.11.11; 21.11.11; 25.11.11; 5.12.11; 19.12.11), we thought it might be helpful to disseminate the following 3 files (dated 13.12.11) as widely as possible.

They were drawn up by Ove Arup & Partners Ltd, who point out that: 'This report takes into account the particular instructions of our client. It is not intended for and should not be relied upon by any third party and no responsibility is undertaken to any third party.' How comforting.