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On 4 October, late afternoon, a fine smoky grey cat sallied through the open door of Concrete Wardrobe on Broughton Street. 

After sniffing around, it settled on a rug by a mirror, doubtless admiring itself. Then it moved to the luscious comforts in the shop window where it was admired in turn by passers-by. 

As it was nearing closing time, Concrete Wardrobe’s co-owner Fiona McIntosh got a bit anxious and sought advice from the SSPCA. They suggested returning the cat to the street, which she did with some misgivings.

The cat then walked into the Phoenix Bar nearby. It soon reappeared and was about to cross the road when Fiona rapidly caught it and clasped it in her arms. Hoping that she might encounter the creature’s distraught owner, she perambulated Broughton Street for a time. The cat was happy to be borne thus, but no claimant appeared on the horizon.

Finally, Fiona asked a neighbour’s advice and it was decided to place the wanderer in the large green area behind Concrete Wardrobe and Nom de Plume. It seemed to be perfectly content there, in seemingly familiar surroundings. At least it was safe from Broughton Street’s throbbing traffic, and Fiona was sure it would find its own way home.

It has not been seen since, but is hopefully ensconced in its own domain, perhaps dreaming of its great alter ego, Minnaloushe, in W.B. Yeats’s ‘The Cat and the Moon’.—JRM 

Can any reader supply the real name of the creature in question, and/or confirm whether it reached home safely? 


Email received on Wednesday 13.10.16: Hello,I am writing about the grey cat found by Fiona McIntosh Concrete Wardrobe - I don't know him, but I wanted to let her know that the best thing to do with a cat you think might be lost/escaped is to put a paper collar on them, asking the owner to contact you. Then if you do not receive a call, and continue to see the cat, you know that it's stray. The RSPCA has a template for paper collars that can be downloaded from this page - 

 Dunsy Dunsmore Alfie is back home after his latest wander. Previous trips have seen him in Tesco, the Outhouse, a Lawyers office and, best of all, carried home from a wedding reception at the Mansfield Tracquair late on a Saturday night. He won't wear a collar for more than 5 minutes, but he's chipped. If you see him, he's probably just nosing around, but he lives at 20 Bellevue Street if he looks lost.

Alfie returnedwith a bunch of flowers after his recent visit to the pub.

Rachel Bell Hurrah!

David Rawson Alfie will take any open door as an invitation.