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Submitted by Editor on

Overnight torrents and morning showers have once again raised river levels alarmingly along the Water of Leith.

Flattened foliage on the banks downstream from Canonmills suggest the water was a foot or two higher at its peak, but it remains sufficiently high to have inundated flood prevention works along Warriston Road by B&Q.

In St Mark's Park, the Gormley is clinging on, but will surely topple soon if rain continues.
Downstream from St Mark's Bridge, a tree has tumbled over, and round the corner beside the railway bridge, the river is running fast and turbid.

More flood prevention works are underwater below the weir. The service road is well flooded, and where the old wall has been taken down the temporary arrangements look very vulnerable.

Footpaths and cycle tracks throughout the area are crowded with snails. It's going to get messy.

According to weather forecasts, light rain is predicted for today and Monday, thunderstorms for Tuesday, and more light rain on Wednesday. At the time of writing (Sunday, 10.45am), it's absolutely pelting.

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