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The Union Gallery will host a free talk on Thursday 19 August by Bill Hare, Honorary Curator of the Art In Healthcare Collection and a lecturer in Scottish art at Edinburgh University.

Art in Healthcare (AIH) – established in 1991 and now based in the Drill Hall on Dalmeny Street – has built up over 1,300 original Scottish works, including pieces by John Bellany, Alan Davie, Elizabeth Blackadder, Calum Innes, Stephen Campbell, and Union co-owner and artist Alison Auldjo.

The charity has a touching faith in the positive effects of an enjoyable visual environment.  It exhibits works not in galleries, but in normal healthcare settings such as care homes, hospitals, hospices, and GPs' surgeries across Scotland.

The event – part of the Edinburgh Art Festival – starts at 7:00pm. The Union Gallery is at 45 Broughton Street.

To find out more about Art in Healthcare, visit