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The Edinburgh Schools Jazz Orchestra (ESJO) is celebrating 20 years with a free concert on 4 September in Broughton St Mary's Parish Church (see Events).

Past and present band members will join professional soloists and small groups, plus an entirely professional band composed of former ESJO members led by Chris Grieve of the Tommy Smith Band.

Founded in 1990 by Jim O'Malley, a woodwind instructor at Wester Hailes Education Centre, the band is now based in Drummond CHS,  and funded by the City of Edinburgh Council. Its aim has been to provide extra-curricular jazz experiences for keen musicians, and the high standards achieved have encouraged the involvement of specialist tutors and regular performances at the Edinburgh International Jazz Festival and the National Youth Orchestra's Festival.

International tours, prestigious festival appearances, numerous regional and national awards, close interaction with professional musicians, and three CD releases have punctuated ESJO's history since, but one of present Director Dan Hallam's proudest achievements is the creation of the Training Band. 'A dynamic band in its own right, this ensemble was responsible for providing the Senior Band (ESJO1) with “trained and ready” young jazz musicians keen to perform more difficult repertoire'. It has been a resounding success, and numbers throughout the band have swollen.

The Edinburgh Schools Jazz Orchestra prides itself on not standing still very long and new plans are always in development. Several major projects are being organised for ESJO’s 20th Anniversary year in 2010 but have yet to be announced. We'll keep you posted. See Issue 186 (published 1 September for news of Broughton's forthcoming jazz festival.)