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A new online survey by City of Edinburgh Council seeks locals' views on city 'town centres'.

Economic Development's questionnaire – at – promises to make a 'real difference' in improving your local town centre (whatever that is) and ensuring that it meets 'current and future requirements' (whatever they are). It takes about 10 minutes.

The nearest town centres for Spurtle readers are Leith, Leith Walk, and Stockbridge. Disappointingly, Broughton – for no explained reason – does not feature, perhaps because it remains  a village.

Even more disappointingly, the survey's questions are so badly framed, vague and occasionally ungrammatical that one cannot help doubting how useful any response will be.

This embarrassing and amateurish CEC effort smacks of bureaucrats with no time and less budget feeling obliged to produce something – anything – in order to look busy and accountable.

Spurtle urges readers to complete the survey, but we have very little faith in its findings.