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A new exhibition will begin soon at Bon Papillon, which means you have just 5 days in which to admire the extraordinary paintings of Rachel McKean there until 7 September.

McKean – a gifted cellist with an interest in art restoration – is from Edinburgh and is in the last year of her MA Hons in Fine Art.

'Detail is the most important aspect of my work,' she writes. 'I hope to draw the viewer into my paintings, to look again at the often-unnoticed patterns and textures of the natural world, whether a leaf, a stone or a puddle.

'I work from a collage of photos combining different viewpoints to build an image that is full of detail.'

Below is her 'Pebbles'.

[Bon Papillon is open at 15 Howe Street, every day except Tuesday, 9am–5pm.]
