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Those behind the proposed community buy-out of St Stephen's Church have taken the first big step.

St Stephen's Playfair Trust lodged an offer of £505,000 with selling agent Rettie's by yesterday’s deadline. If accepted, a sum of £50,000 (already pledged) would be paid on completion of missives and the rest within 12 months.

SSPT intends to lease the church immediately and rent out space to the community groups which formerly occupied it. This sensible arrangement would benefit the groups involved, and keep the vulnerable structure 'warm, secure and used' whilst backers rally to assemble the balance. 'This "lease" would be covered by the deposit.'

If the Church of Scotland's General Trustees accept the bid (and there will probably be other bids for them to consider over the next few weeks), SSPT (currently a company incorporated by guarantee) will advance on all fronts to:

  1. Apply for charitable status
  2. Complete a practical business plan
  3. Establish an official website
  4. Commence fund raising.
Watch this space. For background to the story, see Breaking news (6.2.14; 10.2.14).