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Leith Central Community Council has spaces for up to nine new members, and seeks nominations by 1 February. 

Community Councils typically get involved with things like Planning, Licensing, Transport and the Environment. They often liaise with the police, health and community representatives, and get residents to use their neighbourhood knowledge to represent their own and other locals’ views to the Council. 

‘We’re looking for people who want to make a difference in the local community and to help share ideas for improving the area,’ says Cllr Maureen Child, Convener of the Communities and Neighbourhoods Committee. 

Members usually meet once a month, on a weekday evening, in McDonald Road Library. Those who get involved in subcommittees should expect to spend extra time on research, consultation, written responses and attending meetings elsewhere. Membership is unpaid, although reasonable expenses can be recouped by prior agreement.

LCCC in the past has been closely involved with, for example: establishing the Pilrig Conservation Area, commenting on development plans at Shrubhill, and pressing for timely completion of the Leith Walk improvement scheme. 

Any extension of the trams to Newhaven would feature largely in its future activities.

What next?

If you want to apply, you must be aged 16, live within the LCCC boundary (see below), and be on the electoral roll here.

You can get a nomination form by downloading it from the Council website, or phoning 529 3402, or contacting the Returning Officer (see below).

Completed forms should reach the Returning Officer by 4.00pm on 1 February at: Cllr Angela Blacklock, City of Edinburgh Council, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1YJ.

Only if more than nine eligible people apply will there be an interim election, on 25 February 2016.

For more information, go here and/or visit the LCCC website for background on current concerns and past activities.

[Map reproduced from Geographers' A-Z Map Co. Ltd. Crown Copyright 2008.]